Sam | They/Them | BA in Studio Arts | 30 | White | Bug Enthusiast and Orbonne EnjoyerI will play megalovania at your art party. I'm sorry.



Fjola Venra

Rava | Trans ♂ | AST/BRD-The main WOL
-Chaotic goblin man



  • Carries his feelings and problems on his sleeve, but is also hesitant to burden others with them - an internal, inner monologue type of person that forgets they can rely on others

  • Kind, but a little mischievous

  • Restless and prone to wandering

  • Believes in trying to understand his foes and those different from him and trying to resolve things peacefully, but not afraid to pull a few punches

  • The type to do something incredibly stupid with a straight face

  • ready to punch zenos so hard it resurrects his great grandpa

  • Struggling since at least stormblood with the memories of his fallen comrades. Shadowbringers and Endwalker were very hard on him

  • Majorly compartmentalized a lot of the events of the various wars [heavensward stormblood, etc] and events on the First as well as the discoveries in the Tempest. He's not dealing with things well these days

  • A fan of round spectacles and jet black dye


Azem | Trans ♂ | BLU/???-Lord of insects, gilded gold
-Chaotic tall boy
-Most likely to cast Self Destruct



  • Creator of gold (the metal), insects, cactuars, mandragoras, the bangaa, and the concept that would one day become Ravana.

  • Collaborated with Venat to create Blue mage, uses it to piss everyone off.

  • Covered in scars, wears them with pride.

  • Nearly lost his eye at one point. His azem mask reflects this.

  • Top surgery scars are golden and give the appearance of kintsugi type imagery.

  • Haphazardly cuts his own hair. It used to be long and full in the back. He does this to piss off Hades.

  • 6'5" or the equivalent of, will not let anyone forget that he's the tall friend.

  • Cares deeply for the people of Etheirys and all living things.

  • Also just really, really likes fighting.

  • Low impulse control, many rash decisions. A lot of headaches for Hades.

  • His scarred eye is tinged gold.

  • Unsettling vibes, many in the convocation are...Unsure about him.

  • Fiercely loyal, to a fault.

  • Multi-classing madman. Blue mage, Trickster, and Mime. Maybe a little monk thrown in as a treat?

  • Absolutely wrestled one of the street shark concepts before being put in timeout.





Sam | They/Them | BA in Studio Arts | 30 | White | Bug Enthusiast and Orbonne EnjoyerI will play megalovania at your art party. I'm sorry.




"Rava" | ??? | RPR-Voidsent piloting a rabbit
-Enjoys violence, as a treat
-Unhinged little man



  • A voidsent piloting the flesh of a viera, nothing remains of the person who used to inhabit this body.

  • Class is technically reaper, but he plays the role of both reaper and voidsent. Enshrounding just makes him appear closer to his...True form.

  • If he overextends too much it can cause cracks in the fragile mortal vessel he inhabits. Sometimes these can heal with time and aether, others are more permanent. If his mortal form were to be destroyed, Ruin would most likely be sent back to the 13th.

  • His voidsent form is very insect-like in nature. He is currently unable to completely transform into this form. The closest he can get is a bit of a middle of the road mashup between viera and voidsent when he enshrouds.

  • He talks in a manner similar to Urianger but not to the same...Extreme. If Urianger was rasied by books then Ruin was raised by only a singular novel.

  • Currently galavanting around the 13th on and off with Fjola, he and Zero Do Not get along. He wants to eat her.

  • Basically has to be kept on a leash around all other voidesent or he WILL try to consume them.

  • Is very horny about violence and causing chaos.

  • Has some connections to Rubicante, but I'm waiting for the msq to drop HAHA.

  • His limbs fade to black, as if someone dipped him in soot.

  • Very long sharp claws too.

  • No memories of who he used to be....Yet.

  • While he is definitely chaotic by nature, Ruin appears to have some semblance of...Loyalty to the WOL party. Fjola and Altan are essentially his parole officers. Perhaps he feels indebted to them for releasing him from the ruins of Fyth...

  • Has a domain somewhere still on the 13th, though it's been long abandoned.

  • Feels little to no connection with gender or sexuality. Any pronouns are fine, it matters little to him.




Sam | They/Them | BA in Studio Arts | 30 | White | Bug Enthusiast and Orbonne EnjoyerI will play megalovania at your art party. I'm sorry.




Wildwood | Cis ♂ | BLM/SGE-Unhinged doctor and mad scientist
-Friend to ascians
-Researching immortality



  • Local Ishgardian back alley doctor doing shady business out of his clinic in the Brume.

  • The type to chainsaw a man in half at 3pm and then give an orphan life saving surgery at 5pm.

  • Strange enigma, does a lot of pro bono work for the citizens of the Brume, but is generally feared or scrutinized by the wider ishgardian populace.

  • Probably digs up corpses from whatever graveyard rich people are buried in.

  • Eccentric and excitable, uses a lot of "!" when speaking and tends to be on the polite side.

  • Does not express anger or sorrow very easily. Usually seen with a stupid smirk on his face.

  • Will most likely be oblivious if you flirt with him - extremely romantically oblivious to the point that he doesn't even notice when he himself is accidentally flirting.

  • Uses terms of endearment such as "My darling" or "dearest x" when referring to others.

  • Holds no loyalties (or so it appears). He's been seen assisting the poor, the soldiers of Ishgard, and even Lady Iceheart's cultists.

  • Will try to grift you if you come across as wealthy. That said, the old houses of Ishgard have begun to....Come around to the good doctor, on occasion.

  • Has a split reputation depending on who you ask. Those that know of him in the greater scope of Ishgard speak of Doc Al in hushed tones or outlandish (or are they) rumors, but those in the Brume hold a much different opinion.

  • Would be described as uncomfortably cheery.

  • Speaks in a manner reminiscent of a creature on its first day out amongst regular people and is trying and failing to blend in.

  • Has a large facial scar and a purple voidsent eye from experimenting on himself.

  • Has absolutely consumed a voidsent before. For science.

  • Is both a medical doctor and a researcher - his work often overlaps.

  • Goal in life is to achieve immortality. By any means necessary.

  • Currently researching the ascians and their unique ability to body hop and continue on even when killed.

  • Has a pet Beady Eye named Bingus that has the ability to grow and shrink in size (beady eye to ahriman mount explanation LOL. he calls the mount version 'Bongus').

  • Despises the Galvus family, the empire, and Emet-Selch.

  • A complicated figure that is both selfish and sympathetic to the plights of others. Doc Al will stop at nothing to achieve his own personal goals, but will also not sit idly by if he sees someone in need of the type of assistance he can provide.

  • Cruel and sadistic, but also a being of hope and understanding.

  • A supporter of both the WoL and the goals of the ascians (besties with Fandaniel, despite their differing agendas).

  • Would be classified as an ascian adjacent villain, perhaps.

  • Basically this dude makes no fucking sense and will do whatever the hell he wants I guess.

  • Extremely attractive by elezen standards (long ears, handsome features, etc), but no one really notices until he takes off the glasses.

  • Is also completely unaware of his own attractiveness.

  • While romantically oblivious, Doc Al is open to...Escapades of the physically intimate variety.

  • Currently spending his post 6.0 days in Garlemald assisting with both the restoration and picking thru the rubble of the empire for any...Interesting bits of research (mans is about to find the room of solus clones).